CROME-Digital Services (CDS) is committed to providing a range of educational opportunities. CDS recognises that online course delivery is an option that may provide access for students who might otherwise not have an opportunity to pursue higher education by physically attending a campus. This policy provides guiding principles relating specifically to online course delivery. This policy outlines the general principles that ensure CDS standards and quality assurance are maintained and that there is compliance with laws and regulatory obligations.
This policy applies to academic and administrative staff involved with the development, delivery and administration of online courses. It is also relevant to students who may currently participate in an online study or intend to do so in the future.
Online delivery is where course delivery, including communication, learning activities, academic support, resources and assessment occurs exclusively or primarily online. Mode of delivery is the way a unit or course is delivered and may include face-to-face, online, or a combination of those modes.
Key principles that underpin online course delivery:
Students must be provided with an opportunity to achieve unit or course learning outcomes.
There must be an assurance that unit or course learning outcomes have been achieved.
Learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities and assessment must be consistent.
Communication must be open and accessible to all students undertaking online units and courses.
Achievement of learning outcomes, it is essential that course development, teaching, learning and assessment activities are designed to:
Be accessible and effective communication free of barriers;
Maintain staff-to-student and student-to-student contact;
Provide guidance on how students can meet unit and course learning outcomes;
Maintain student engagement and interaction;
Monitor student engagement and provide assurance that required learning is being undertaken and learning outcomes achieved; • Monitor student progression;
Enable quality assurance mechanisms, including how to review, measure and improve student outcomes.
Academic Integrity Measures must be taken to ensure academic integrity with online course delivery including:
Staff training on risks inherent in online delivery and measures to mitigate those risks;
Rigorous monitoring that addresses the risk of misconduct including cheating and plagiarism;
Development of examinations and assessments tasks that are fit for purpose in an online environment;
Effective moderation of learning outcomes and assessment;
Processes that ensure the academic integrity of assessments.